Compressor integrates tightly with Final Cut Pro to add power and flexibility to your video conversions. A simple interface lets you quickly customize output settings, enhance images, and package your film for sale on the iTunes Store. For even faster conversions, easily set up distributed encoding using other Mac computers.
Camera log conversion
• Convert log-encoded video to SDR and HDR color spaces. • Choose from built-in Camera LUTs for Panasonic, Sony, Canon, Blackmagic, Nikon and ARRI log • Add a custom Camera LUT to achieve accurate conversions for cameras without a built-in option or to match on-set looks
Custom LUT effect
• Apply third-party creative LUTs to footage to add a custom look during compression • Support for .cube, .mga, and .m3d file formats • Set the output color space to SDR or HDR Other new features • Improved speed and reliability using distributed processing over SMB • Create ProRes IMF Packages including support for multiple languages