توضیحات اپلیکیشن

Thanks to the Free Download Manager, downloading from the Internet will be easier and faster than ever.
The application is very easy to use and allows you to choose the download speed of a file. In addition, depending on the file format, you can assign a folder in which certain files will be saved.
The application is completely free, but it has all the features that you need to pay for in other similar programs. Undoubtedly, Free Download Manager is the right application for managing downloads and keeping downloaded files in order.
It doesn’t matter if you download via http, ftp or bittorrent protocol – the application supports all these protocols.
A host of options in an intuitive and easy-to-use interface make the search process easier.

ویژگی‌های اپلیکیشن

v5.1.38 [build 7312, Jan 31, 2019] STABLE - General bug fixes.

اسکرین‌شات‌های اپلیکیشن

  • ScreenShot1